Romeo and Juliape: A prequel poem

Romeo and Juliape: A prequel poem

Littor[alter]ms, the poem on the right originally created for the Ecotone exhibition on Feral File, is a prequel poem to the AI-human love story, “Romeo and Juliape”, a play minted fully on chain using the blockchain as printing block.

The performance of the play features visuals (created by u2p050) that bloom in response to the corresponding lines being minted onchain. Viewers of this work are invited to enter the performance of the play through the poem, which encapsulates through its constraint and the resultant line in iambic pentameter the full essence of the play and its performance.

Poème Sbjkt, Librairie Métamorphoses
Wood, printed plexiglass, cardboard, tablet displaying blockchain-reactive video with sound (performance of Romeo & Juliape play)
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